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March 21, 2022

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, these are our updated policies until further notice: 


1. When you arrive, text or call your engineer/producer and let them know you are here, but please wait in your car until your scheduled session time.  Your engineer/producer will come out and let you in at that time.  


2. NO MORE THAN 4 PEOPLE(INCLUDING YOUR ENGINEER/PRODUCER) IN THE STUDIO AT ANY ONE TIME.   If you have more than 3 performers that need to track, please stagger their schedules so that there are only 4 people TOTAL(including your engineer/producer) in the studio at any one time.  If it is absolutely necessary for your project to have more than 4 people in the studio(larger band, etc), you must call at least 24 hours in advance of your session to be cleared.  Please do not just show up at the studio with a bunch of people expecting that they can all come in and hang out.   This is not only in response to just makes good sense to limit the number of people in the studio while work is in progress.  We understand that people want to invite friends to come hang during sessions because it's a cool and unique environment.  But honestly it's no place for non-recording folks to congregate as it changes it A) puts un-needed stress into the session. and B) is distracting to the performers. and C) is just plain annoying and stressful to your engineer and producer.  This is YOUR session to focus on getting the BEST performances of your life.  If we expect a professional sounding recording, we need to act like professionals and focus on our work.  If someone wants to stop in for a quick visit, that can be arranged but please ask you engineer/producer ahead of time.  Thanks for understanding. 


3. Masks are no longer required in our facility.  


Thank you for adhering to our guidelines.

-The Mackinaw Harvest Studios Staff

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